Hi Fred Tallack here, The I.M.P.A.C.T. Accelerator!

I am an international speaker, teacher trainer, presentation skills expert and Founder of The I.M.P.A.C.T. Presentation Skills System; the world’s easiest presentation skills system for entrepreneurs to significantly accelerate their impact.

With a Degree in Theatre, Performance and Media, plus a PGCE in Drama & Contextual Studies, I have taught thousands of students and hundreds of teachers over the last 25 years how to perform, present, pitch and pace their content for the greatest audience engagement.

In 2022 I created my I.M.P.A.C.T. Presentation Skills System available to the entrepreneurial world and I am CEO at The Presentation Partnership.

I believe that millions of entrepreneurs are leaving money on the table because their presentations suck!

But it doesn’t have to be this way!

So if you are ready to accelerate your impact by mastering how you present, perform and profit, talk to me about how we can make that happen.

So this really where it all started for me. 

I had been invited by some friends to an evening of amateur dramatics with a Am-Dram company they belonged to. This was completely new to me as I’d never had the opportunity to do Drama at school, and having left school with no qualifications I didn’t really know much about plays and playscripts. I had always been a very sociable person though, and the opportunity sounded interesting. And it was, I found the whole experience most enjoyable until the final part.

At the end of the evening we all had to share a part of Dickens' play 'Hard Times' that we’d been working on, and when it came to my turn Aaaaarrrrgh, I froze!!! I stood there in front of this small group of friendly and lovely people and felt my whole torso lock up as I tried to speak the words from the play. With so many pairs of eyes simply staring at me and waiting for a sound I felt the heat of my face as it turned red with embarrassment, the palms of my hands become clammy, an increase in sweat from my forehead, and my breathing become faster and more shallow. This was as fascinating to me as it was frightening. I wasn't used to struggling so painfully when it came to learning new things, and here I had this massive block, a hugely uncomfortable experience I later found out was generally known as ‘stage fright’. 

So this became a mission for me – how to get through this stage fright, this fear of speaking in public to a live audience.

And I know now what I didn’t know then. That public speaking is a skill, or rather set of skills – and like any other skill can be learned.

So I returned to education to learn and master this most fascinating medium of speaking in public and the art of communicating to an audience. Now, after many years of teaching Drama, Performance and Media, leading and creating teacher training programmes, becoming a master in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, coaching, hypnosis and Time-line therapy™, plus becoming certified in several healing modalities, I’ve now blended all my extensive knowledge, skills and experience to teach and coach public speaking and presentation skills, both to a live audience and on camera. Having spent some time as a therapist I very much appreciate that most healers and therapists, and also many solopreneurs that are coaches and consultants, struggle when it comes to public speaking and/or getting in front of a video camera to 'sell' themselves or their product to their target audience. So this is now my new mission in life.
And for the icing on the cake, I now feel like I’ve found my true life's purpose!

Education & Qualifications:

• BA (Hons) Theatre, Performance & Media

• PGCE in Drama & Contextual Studies

• Master NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis & Time-Line Therapy™

• Mindfulness teacher

• Certified Practitioner In Havening™,

• Certified Practitioner Theta Healing™

• Certified Practitioner Reiki

• Chen Style Tai Chi Chuan Teacher.

Work History:

• 10 years as motor vehicle fitter and motor-cycle mechanic.

• 15 years as general builder

• Spent 22 years as a high achieving Drama teacher including 13 years at top Oxford secondary school.

• 5 years experience as the Professional Tutor leading the school's Initial Teacher Training Programme.

• 8 years experience of one-to-one coaching & mentoring GCSE, A-level and under-grad students.

• Set up and ran the Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) 8 week programme.

• Taught Tai Chi Chuan to all Drama & Theatre students that I taught in schools.

Other Info:

• I left school at 16 with half an O-level (French speaking), I worked as a motor-fitter and motor-cycle mechanic for many years, then became a general builder (having learnt basic skills helping my Father renovate the houses we lived in as I grew up) before finding Drama in my early 30's.

• Having experienced the embarrassment of freezing in front of a bunch of very nice people at an amateur dramatics workshop, I decided on a completely new career change and returned to education to become a Drama teacher. 

• I've always been a people person and only later in life realised that my real passion is actually working with people on their self-development and empowerment.

• I eventually walked away from the stability and security of the teaching profession when my values became mis-aligned with the values of the British education system. My next step was to coach and support the stressed and anxious youngsters I had been putting increasing amounts of pressure on as a teacher! This led me to my new mission of helping people with their public speaking and video presentation skills having realised that too many of us in today's world really struggle with these abilities.

When you want to succeed at the highest level, most of what you need is help, encouragment, support and learning from someone who has 'been there and done that!'.

All Rights Reserved - The Presentation Partnership 2024

The Money Isn't In the List... It's In The Products That You Sell To Your Email List

First, there's no money in the list. There is only money in the products that you promote, just like the retailer down the street. They are not being paid by simply being open and having customers walk in the door... No, no, no! It's ALL about the products they sell that make the money. 
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